Word Tools



Graph Words  synonyms, word cloud pictures


Wordia:  video dictionary  

Tagxedo:  Word clouds in shapes


Road to Grammar:  365 Grammar Quizzes


Grammar Bytes  Handouts to go along with the self-correcting exercises  (funny examples!)  PPT Presentations on menu page

1.  Comma Splices and Fused Sentences  lesson and funny quiz

2.  Fragments

3.  Irregular Verbs (Lay/Lie)

4.  Commas

5.  Pronoun Agreement (singular/plural)

6.  Pronoun Case (I, me)

7.  Pronoun Reference (fix the errors)

8.  Subject Verb Agreement

9.  Word Choice (homonyms, who/whom)


Idiom Dictionary -  explains the meanings for idioms

Free Rice vocab