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Issues of Justice

Page history last edited by Heather Durnin 13 years, 7 months ago

Collaborative Project with Fredericksburg Academy, Virginia, U.S.A. Wraps Up!

Last month our class researched and created a collaborative project on a social justice issue with students from Virginia.  Students met via Skype and worked together using a shared Google Document.  The final project was presented using VoiceThread.  Each group project is embedded on the Project Wiki.  Students gained an understanding of all issues studied as they viewed and posted comments on each group project.  Click on the Issues of Justice page to find out more about our "virtual" group members, their school and area. View the completed projects on the Project Wiki students page.  Did you know it would take us 12 hours to drive there, and it is home to the first president, George Washington?!  We ended the project with a skyped ice-cream sundae party, and students reflected on their experiences doing this project.   Click on Celebration Sundaes to hear what your child had to say about this unique learning experience. 

Pictures by @scmorgan  Fredericksburg Students Skype with their Turnberry partners. That's Zac on the screen.


Issues of Justice Wiki       Learn more about the Collaborative Project with Fredericksburg Academy


2 Min. Student-created social justice movies from Sargent Park School in Winnipeg, MB.  

Preramble/rubric for the project.


Plain Language Version:  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights           


Your essential research questions should focus on: 

What Article(s) are being violated?  Include those from

1) the Declaration of Human Rights  

2) Convention of the Rights of the Child. 



Inspire your audience with an ending message.  Besides donating money, what can the world do to bring justice to those people being unfairly affected by your project issue?


Teach Unicef Poverty Lesson Plans

Read Things Anyone Can Do For Human Rights, from Youth for Human Rights International





Jefferson Award began in 1972 as a way to recognize outstanding citizens who put the needs of others before their own.



Hunger, CBC News 

Hans Rosling: New insights on poverty and life around the world 20 min. video

The Moral Ambiguity of Looting

Poverty: Save a Family Plan. Free the Children, Habitat for Humanity, World Vision, Christian Children's Fund, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Raising the Roof

World Hunger


What is Race?  Is Race for Real?  PBS

Student uses Hate in a Positive Way  1:57 min.

History of Discrimination in Canada

Discussion to Heal Racism


Daily Good  Free Farm US

Food Secure Canada

Canada Food Grains Bank

Huron County Food Bank  

Daily Bread

Zoom Into Action: Hunger and Homelessness:

Kid to Kid



Action Against Hunger (Canada)




World Health Day Video

World Health Day Great facts

Global Warming Effects Health

Global Health Blog (HIV/Aids, Maternal Health Care, Water, TB, Vaccines)


World Health Organization Click on Countries for stats, projects

Global Health Issues

Global Health Facts






Youthink!  Connection between water and poverty

Safe Water for All CNN Video

Health Canada Drinking Water 

Environment Canada Water

TEDxVideo Sylvia Earle Wish to Protect our Oceans

Map of Water Stress

Resources of World Water Day  Here and here

Ryan’s Well Foundation

Greenspaceamdsb wiki   Water, Environment




Oxfam Canada


Prejudice and Discrimination:  Amnesty International, Incomes Security Advocacy Centre, Justice for Girls

Broad list of Ontario/Canadian/some international charities




Care for the Earth: Green Peace, World Wildlife Federation, Wilderness Project


One World.net  






http://www.unhcr.org/protect/3b8366bc4.html  UN Refugee Agency

http://hdr.undp.org/en/UN Human Development Reports by country


The International Rescue Committee  Current news stories, education etc. 

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/country_profiles/default.stmBBC news country profiles (HDI)




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