From: Mackinnon Capt CW@Deployed@KAF
> Sent: Sunday, 10, January, 2010 16:19 PM
Xmas thanks
Hi my name is Major Chuck Mackinnon;
I would like to take a moment and thank the children for the delightful letters. These arrived a few weeks ago and helped warm our Christmas celebrations. To Brianna, thanks for the heartfelt thought. To the childern of Turnberry Central Public School thanks for taking the time to write to us. We appreciate your time and kind words.
Just a little information about Afghanistan and us. It is currently
sunny and approx. 12C here during the day and 0C at night. Very dusty.
Our organization has a special job as we are part of the Observer
Mentor Liaison Team. Our job is to work with the Afghan National Army.
Most of us are employed in Canada with 3 PPCLI in Edmonton, AB.
Again, thanks and stay warm.
I have enclosed a few pictures.
Chuck MacKinnon
Morning Ptl BeP, Bazaar and Rte Zelda JTF Afghanistan
Post script to pictures. These are taken in Kandahar Province. The
picture with the boys and ANA is taken at the boys school in Bazaar
Panjwayi. The camel was seen at the local bazaar. Note. The street
lamps have solar panels. In the picture of the group of boys, look at
the girls standing behind them. Not all the girls are covered up here
but some are. I'm open to correspond with the folks of Bisset School.
I'm not in any of the pictures. This keeps me from trying to determine
my best side. Lol.
Comments (2)
ts01 said
at 5:32 pm on Jan 16, 2010
I also can't belive they wrote back! That was awesome!! :) My favourite pictue is the one of the camel! (I am not sure how to spell that. Sorry).
ts04 said
at 5:10 pm on Jan 13, 2010
I can't beleive they actualy wrote back. :)
I hope we all get our own letters from the toops that got our letters and if they sent pictures just like Chuck.
This is amazing !
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